Joining the personnel reserve of a large enterprise is a potential opportunity at any time to make some kind of breakthrough, to take a position that can later influence your future career, and become a real “lucky ticket” in professional life. What can we say about the personnel reserve of the highest authorities of the country, the reserve of the President of Russia himself.

Today, almost any resident of the state has the opportunity to get into the personnel reserve of the President of Russia thanks to a special program approved by the government at the end of the 2000s for the admission of specialists who are potential candidates for leading positions at the federal level. The so-called presidential hundred and presidential thousand, as a rule, also include representatives of regional and local authorities, luminaries of science, leading businessmen, members of public and educational organizations.
The composition of the personnel reserve
The reserve usually includes not very well-known names of people who have shown their best side in the field entrusted to them. To form such an honorable reserve, a special commission is created, about a hundred people, authorized to select more than a thousand candidates from all the spheres of public life under consideration.
A prerequisite for all applicants is the age limit (each candidate must not be under 25 and at the same time over 50), the corresponding level of education and qualifications in their field. This may include business directors, committee chairmen, governors, CFOs and CEOs, rectors, senior researchers, economists, and many more. Party affiliation and gender do not matter in this issue.
Accordingly, it can be assumed that the more often a surname occurs in the recommendations of experts, the more chances a person has to enter the happy hundred or thousand of the personnel reserve.
Candidate perspectives
The formed lists are subject to annual revision, changes can occur during the period, for example, if the lucky person has compromised himself in the eyes of the public.
At any time, each member of a hundred of the presidential reserve can be nominated for the vacant position of the governor or, for example, the plenipotentiary of the president, adviser.
All formed lists are published on a special Kremlin website dedicated to this issue. Until now, the competence of those selected for important government posts has not cast doubt on the correctness of the decision to form such a structure of the presidential reserve. Moreover, courses and training seminars prepare a really high-quality theoretical and practical basis for applicants to perform important state functions.