Modern business cannot be stopped by long distances; it is no longer limited to one city or region. Business partners can be located in a neighboring city or on a neighboring continent. In order to formalize agreements in writing, partners may not always have a personal meeting. But such a trifle cannot become an obstacle to business development, because it has become a common thing to conclude contracts by mail.

- Fax machine;
- Email;
- contract template;
- details of the parties;
- envelopes and stamps.
Step 1
To be able to conclude a contract by mail, exchange details with a business partner. If you are acting as a salesperson, ask your business partners for the details of their organization. The buyer must provide his details to the business partners. Requisites on the letterhead of the organization can be sent by fax or e-mail. You can also dictate them over the phone, but this is not very convenient.
Step 2
Typically, the seller of a service or product has a template for a standard contract. Using e-mail, send this draft agreement to your business partners for review. Do not use fax if you do not want your partner to receive illegible text.
Step 3
The buyer must review the draft contract and approve it if all the clauses of the contract suit him. In case of disagreement with certain clauses of the contract, the buyer must, orally or in writing, declare his disagreement to the seller.
Step 4
If everything is in order, enter the details of the parties into the contract, print it in duplicate, sign an authorized person from the seller and fax it to the buyer. The buyer must sign a facsimile copy of the contract (signed by the seller). The signed contract must be faxed by the buyer to the seller.
Step 5
If the buyer does not agree with certain conditions, the procedure for concluding a contract by mail changes slightly. If, at the insistence of the buyer, the seller does not want to amend the terms of the contract, then the contract is concluded with a protocol of disagreements. In this case, having received by fax a copy of the contract signed by an authorized person from the seller, the buyer must draw up a protocol of disagreements.
Step 6
After drawing up and signing the protocol of disagreements, the buyer must fax it to the seller. The seller, having signed a copy of the protocol of disagreements (signed by the buyer), must send this copy by fax to the buyer. In return, the buyer must fax the signed contract. From this moment, the contract is considered concluded with the protocol of disagreements, which is its integral part.
Step 7
If the seller does not agree with the dispute protocol, he must draw up a dispute reconciliation protocol. The exchange of protocols follows the same algorithm.
Step 8
Having reached an agreement on all issues, after the exchange of signed facsimile copies, the partners must exchange the originals of the documents by mail. If you are a seller, please send by mail two copies of the contract signed by your side. As a buyer, please fax two copies of the minutes of disagreement signed by your designated person. After receiving the documents, put your signatures on them, keep one copy with you, and send the other by mail to your partner.