At each enterprise, contracts are concluded (labor, supply, purchase of goods). As a rule, they are stored in archives. For the convenience of using these documents, as well as eliminating the reason for their loss, they are recorded. A special journal is set up, in which the details of contracts, additional agreements to them are recorded, and the chronology of their movement is also established.

It is necessary
- - journal for accounting of contracts in paper form;
- - software product for accounting of contracts;
- - company documents.
Step 1
There is no unified form for the document on the accounting of contracts. But you can develop it yourself or buy a special software product designed to store information about contracts. But the first option is free, stop there if you don't need extra costs.
Step 2
Write the name of the document on the title page of the contract accounting journal. Please enter your company name. If the company is large enough, it is advisable to have a separate magazine for each structural unit. In this case, write the name of the department. Enter the date when the document was filed, personal data, the position of the person responsible for keeping the journal. As a rule, this is a personnel officer who draws up contracts with personnel, an employee of the legal department who is engaged in keeping contracts with counterparties.
Step 3
Write the name of the document on the title page of the contract accounting journal. Please enter your company name. If the company is large enough, it is advisable to have a separate magazine for each structural unit. In this case, write the name of the department. Enter the date when the document was filed, personal data, the position of the person responsible for keeping the journal. As a rule, this is a personnel officer who draws up contracts with personnel, an employee of the legal department who is engaged in keeping contracts with counterparties.
Step 4
Make eight graphs using a spreadsheet. Print to paper. In the first column of the journal, enter the serial number of the contract, in the second - the number of the document assigned to it at the conclusion. In the third and fourth columns of the contract accounting journal, write the start date, expiration date of the document. In the fifth column, indicate the subject of the contract. For example, for the supply of components.
Step 5
In the sixth column, enter the name of the counterparty (supplier, buyer), employee (when taking into account employment contracts with personnel). In the seventh column of the journal, write in which folder the contract is located (as a rule, folders are assigned a number in archives), indicate the location of the folder. In the eighth column, affix the signature of the person responsible for the storage of documents (indicating his last name, initials). When changing an employee, draw up an act of transferring contracts, a journal for their accounting.
Step 6
If it is inconvenient for you to keep track of contracts manually, order the development of a software product or buy a ready-made program. It may cost some money, but in electronic form such a magazine has some advantages. For example, when registering a contract, you can specify the path to a document on a computer.