Labor Code of the Russian Federation in Art. 91 defines working hours as that in which the employee must perform his duties in accordance with the job description. The duration and mode of working time is established in the employment contract and the internal regulations of the enterprise, organization. To control labor productivity and the need for personnel, it is necessary to keep track of working hours at each enterprise.

Step 1
In Art. 1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation stipulates possible working hours. If you have a six-day work week, you should use the daily work method. If your company organizes work on five days, use the weekly method. In the event that the conditions of production do not allow setting a daily or weekly standard for the duration of working hours for workers, the summarized method of accounting is used.
Step 2
When using summarized accounting, daily and weekly output may differ from the established norm, but it must be cleared in the amount based on the results of a certain period, for example, for a month or a quarter. All overworked time at the end of this period must be calculated and compensated for by deficiencies. Set the production rate for this period, based on the weekly working hours, which are established by law for each specific category of workers.
Step 3
Keep track of working hours for each employee separately. If the company is small, the unified form T-12 "Timesheet of working hours and calculation of labor remuneration" can be filled in manually. This is usually done by department heads or HR staff. When the company has turnstiles and an automated attendance control system, the T-13 form is used.
Step 4
Fill out these forms on a monthly basis. At the end of each month, total the number of days and hours each employee worked. From the total calculation of working time, subtract weekends, absenteeism hours, absenteeism for unexplained reasons, periods of absence on sheets of temporary disability, business trips.
Step 5
Please note that with the summarized accounting of working hours, the duration of daily work should not exceed 10 hours per shift. But in some cases, this period can be increased to 12 hours, if we are talking, for example, about long-distance transport drivers who go to a resting place, drivers working on regular suburban and city bus routes, or those who carry executives work in medical and communal organizations.