Unfortunately, it's not just students who face the lack of funds. Often, complaints about low income can be heard from people who are quite successful in appearance. You can solve this problem by finding a part-time job. There are not so few ways to get additional income.

- - newspaper with vacancies;
- - the Internet.
Step 1
Look for options for part-time work at your main job. For example, you can perform functions that are not directly related to your position, or temporarily replace another employee for a fee. The advantage of this part-time job is that you don't have to spend extra time and money on travel. However, do not forget that not every employer will be ready to support such an initiative. In addition, he can shift these functions to you without raising your salary.
Step 2
Let your family and friends know that you are looking for a part-time job. Perhaps one of them can help you. For example, at your main job you are engaged in accounting, and one of your acquaintances is going to open a store. In this case, you could advise them on the registration of individual entrepreneurs and the specifics of keeping records in small businesses.
Step 3
If you are ready to do low-skilled work, look for similar ads in the newspaper or on the Internet. For example, in the "Work for Students" section, there are often vacancies of a weekend cashier, advertiser, interviewer, call center operator. Typically, these positions offer flexible hours and hourly pay.
Step 4
If you have any hobby, consider if it can bring you additional income. If you do handicrafts, sell your creations. For example, bijouterie, soft toys, clothing for animals are popular. Almost any hobby can become a profitable business: you can sew and knit to order, bake cakes for sale, take pictures, earn extra money as a make-up artist. The first buyers or customers should be looked for among friends and on specialized Internet resources. In addition, you can create a group on the Vkontakte website, where you can offer your services and post examples of work.
Step 5
If none of the above options worked for you, look for remote work options. This can be writing articles, abstracts, term papers, photo processing, website layouts, web page layout, etc. Similar orders can be found on job exchanges for freelancers, forums for webmasters, text exchanges.