In Russia, there is no official statistics on the number of officially employed workers with part-time jobs. The break-in market is generally poorly studied. However, the total volume of part-time vacancies is unlikely to meet the entire need of job seekers who want to find an additional source of income. Hence the conclusion - you have to make an effort to find a really worthwhile part-time job.

There are several basic tools for finding a part-time job. The most popular and reliable ones are special job sites:,,, etc. To filter out full-time job offers, you just need to select the appropriate filter. Communication with the employer can take place both inside the work site system and outside it.
It should be noted that the record audience of work sites of the first echelon also has a downside. The number of applications for good part-time jobs can go off scale, so it is important to interest the employer at the stage of application. To do this, it is enough to follow several universal rules:
- We carefully study the conditions described in the vacancy. The employer may be put off by the fact that, for example, the applicant will start calling the HR department when asked to "contact strictly by e-mail";
- It is better to provide a response to a vacancy with a short cover letter with a greeting, main part and goodbye;
- Do not apply for dubious vacancies.
In addition to large work sites, as a rule, each region has its own regional resources specializing in job search. Their printed counterparts - newspaper ads, also should not be discounted.
In addition, do not underestimate such a channel of information as personal acquaintances. For example, it will be easier to find a part-time job for a lawyer if you ask your friends working in legal, notary and consulting organizations about possible additional volumes. As a rule, a good recommendation from a company employee for a manager is worth more than a colorful multi-page resume on a work site.
Success in looking for a part-time job is directly related to the set of competencies, skills and abilities that the applicant possesses. The more areas of activity, the wider the choice of options. The higher the professionalism for each of them, the more chances of getting a part-time job.
However, understanding this formula for success alone is not enough. Specialization itself is also important. Strictly speaking, representatives of almost any profession have a chance to find a part-time job. Doctors can take on additional work in other medical institutions, teachers can find themselves in the field of tutoring, and drivers can earn extra money in taxis outside of working hours.
Practice shows that the easiest way to find a part-time job is lawyers, journalists, personnel officers, engineers and designers. Despite the large number of full cycle law firms, the demand for one-time legal advice is still high. Journalists with a highly specialized field of activity have a chance to get additional volumes in third-party editions, as well as to act as PR consultants for legal entities. Construction companies and design bureaus often bring in specialists from outside during periods of high workload.