Firing is not the end of the world. Of course, losing the opportunity to visit the office every day for a city dweller, as a rule, is a great stress. However, you can survive it if you do not turn the loss of a job into a tragedy of a lifetime.

Step 1
Allow yourself to rest. It is unlikely that the dismissal was painless for you, no matter how brave you were. Having gained strength, conduct an audit of the cash reserves. Estimate how long your savings will last if you don't find a job soon. Plan your expenses carefully, do home bookkeeping.
Step 2
Do not be afraid to ask for a loan and do not delay time until the last hundred remains in your pocket. Throw away complexes, gather courage and turn to friends for financial help. Explain to them how and how you will return the funds. It is advisable to document your intentions.
Step 3
If there are enough free funds, it is most profitable to set aside some of the money for a deposit at high interest rates. Remember that the state will fully reimburse amounts up to 100 thousand rubles in case of problems with a credit institution, so you can trust any accredited bank on terms convenient for you.
Step 4
Consider the possibility of alternative income generation. For example, an old dacha near Moscow, which you have not visited since the death of your grandfather, can be profitably rented out for the summer season.
Step 5
Consider part-time opportunities. If handing out flyers at the entrance to the metro is somehow not with your hands, take, for example, a private driver in your own car. The income will be small, but it will give you confidence that you will definitely not die of hunger.
Step 6
Do not neglect offers of temporary employment. You don't have to go to Israel as a seasonal fruit picker in search of adventure. But if you have dreamed of working with children all your life, and were forced to do accounting, try, for example, in the summer to find work in children's holiday camps.
Step 7
Don't give in to black thoughts. Stay busy all the time, even if no one pays for the job. Fix the house in the country, fix the car, do a general cleaning, take more walks with the children. You can also devote more time to your hobbies and get a couple of new ones. The road will be mastered by the walker, do not stop searching, and one day your new job will surely find you.