How To Save Time On Little Things

How To Save Time On Little Things
How To Save Time On Little Things

Often, precious minutes are wasted to the offensive ridiculous: searching for the necessary information, gathering, putting things in order. But by optimizing your life a little, you can reduce this waste of time to a minimum.

How to save time on little things
How to save time on little things

Prepare in advance

Remember how, at school age, your parents asked you to collect a portfolio in the evening. It's a good idea to return to this healthy habit. In order not to fuss in the morning looking for the necessary things, prepare the clothes you plan to wear before going to bed, documents and other "necessities" that you will need tomorrow for work. This does not take much time: for example, you can do it during a commercial break while watching a TV show.

If you are often on the road, it is a good idea to have an “emergency briefcase” with a minimum set of necessary items. It can be hygiene items in convenient packaging (toothpaste, brush, soap, comb, shampoo, etc.), a sewing travel kit, a small first aid kit. Keep the packaging for everything you need on the road as compact and lightweight as possible. It is a good idea to purchase an additional charger for your phone, as well as attach a list of things that can be forgotten in a hurry (passport, tickets, etc.) to the "travel kit".

Organize information

Electronic “friends” like a mobile phone or a computer are great, but they have the ability to suddenly refuse to serve us at the most inopportune moment, so it's good to duplicate the most important information.

Always transfer work and other important materials to an independent medium (flash card, removable disk) - this will avoid annoying loss of information.

Do not be lazy to duplicate important phone numbers in a regular paper notebook.

It is not bad to print out interesting and necessary information that you have encountered on the Internet and place it in special folders according to sections, for example, "Cooking", "Repair", "Health", and so on. You can do the same with clippings from periodicals.

Have a rest

Rest is not only doing nothing. The best rest is a change of activity. Intersperse physical work with mental work.

It is also a good idea to find out which sense organ is the main one for you, i.e. how you perceive and assimilate the largest amount of information in the best way. If you are a visual (the main information comes through visual perception), for relaxation it is better not to sit at a computer or TV, but to listen to music or take a bath. The audio needs complete silence to relax. Rest for the kinesthetic will be doing handicrafts or cooking.
