Saving time at work is important in order not to work without a break, trying to do several things in parallel, so as not to stay up late, so as not to take work home … By planning and saving time, you can work without overexerting yourself and without overloading yourself. This is especially true in the warm season, when many colleagues go on vacation and additional work may fall on those who remain.

Desire to work effectively, planning, diligence
Step 1
Always end your day with planning for tomorrow. Stay on track with your schedule. By the end of the day, you will find that working as planned has saved you at least two hours.
Step 2
Conduct an audit of working hours. You, of course, are very busy, only for a cup of tea you "ran" through social networks, and after lunch in the smoking room you discussed your friend's problems … How many minutes and even hours does an unplanned rest take? It is quite possible that during the day it is more profitable not to be distracted.
Step 3
Rank work by priority. To do this, write down the cases point by point. Perform "tasks" strictly in order, then the most significant will be done earlier, and by the evening you will be able to please yourself with something.