For the transfer of an employee working at half of the salary according to the position, a full-time application is accepted from a specialist. It serves as the basis for drawing up an additional agreement to the contract, which prescribes new working conditions. An order in any form is also required, the topic of which corresponds to a change in the working hours.

It is necessary
- - employee documents;
- - documents of the enterprise;
- - seal of the organization;
- - an agreement with an employee;
- - form of an additional agreement;
- - application form;
- - order form for personnel.
Step 1
Labor legislation stipulates that the employer is not entitled to perform any transfer actions, changes in payment without the consent of the employee. The exceptions are cases prescribed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when, for example, it is impossible to avoid staff reductions in the event of certain unfavorable circumstances.
Step 2
Thus, the employee draws up a statement. Its essence lies in changing the working regime. The date from which the payment changes is prescribed. The application is signed by the employee, dated. The document is signed by the director and sent to the personnel department.
Step 3
The application serves as the basis for changing working conditions. Make an additional agreement to the contract with a specialist. Set a salary for the employee in accordance with the remuneration specified in the current staffing table for his position. A transfer from half to full rate does not imply transfer to another job. This changes the essential terms of the contract. The agreement is certified by a seal, signed by the director (or other authorized person), an employee.
Step 4
For the HR department, the agreement to the contract is quite enough, but for the accounting department when calculating wages, a basis is required according to which the amount of the employee's remuneration changes. Draw up an order, use the developed form of the enterprise for this, which is used for administrative documents on personnel.
Step 5
If there is no corresponding form, write the order in any form. Be sure to indicate the name of the organization, date, document number, city of location of the enterprise. In the administrative part, write down the change in working conditions in accordance with the additional agreement. Write the size of the established salary, personal data of a specialist, his position, personnel number. Certify the order with the signature of the head of the company. Familiarize the employee with the order against receipt.