The time of entry of federal laws into full force is counted from the date of their official publication. There is a general period during which any law is considered to be in force, and special periods, which are provided for in the regulations themselves.

Step 1
The time of entry of federal laws into full force on the territory of Russia is counted in accordance with the provisions of a separate normative act that also regulates the procedure for publishing laws. This act provides for a general rule applicable to any federal law, unless its provisions contain special rules on this matter.
Step 2
The indicated general rule for the entry of laws into full force is that any federal law begins to operate after ten days from the date of its official publication. From that date, the newly adopted normative act is in full force throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. The publication of the law in the "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", "Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation", as well as on the official portal of legal information is considered to be official.
Step 3
Some federal laws contain specific rules of entry into force. In such a situation, these rules are placed in the normative act itself and act in priority order in relation to the above general rule.
Step 4
Special rules for the entry into force of individual federal laws are usually placed in a separate section at the end of the regulation. This section is called the Final and Transitional Provisions. For example, this section may contain a rule that the law comes into force 180 days after the date of its official publication. In this case, it is the specified rule that applies, and not the general rule.
Step 5
Sometimes an independent entry into force is established for individual articles of the federal law. In this case, the relevant regulation is also placed in the described final section. It applies only to those structural parts of the normative act that are indicated in it.
Step 6
If the federal law is voluminous, contains inside many provisions that are different in their content, which in the current socio-economic situation should come into force at different times, then a separate normative act on the procedure for the entry into force of this federal law is adopted. Usually, this act also has the status of a law, it establishes the terms of entry into force of individual norms, and the procedure for their application can be determined. In this case, this law also takes precedence over the general rules and regulations.