Finding a job is difficult, tedious and time-consuming. And, like any difficult task, it requires strong motivation. Sometimes routine phrases about the need to provide for the family or that all people are obliged to work only cause irritation. How to look for a job if you absolutely do not want to do it?

Step 1
Try to figure out why you don't want to look for a job. Perhaps you are subconsciously afraid of rejection? Or are you not sure about your own qualifications? Or are you just unaccustomed to daily trips to the service and are afraid that you will not be able to fit into this rhythm? Answer these questions honestly.
Step 2
If you fear that potential employers will turn you down and further lower your self-esteem, stop taking your search seriously. Tell yourself that job search is just a game. And you are looking for something suitable solely for the sake of entertainment. Go for a couple of interviews. Don't be surprised if your candidacy is approved. It is not necessary to agree to the first job you come across - it is important to gain confidence in your relevance.
Step 3
Perhaps your dislike for finding a job arose from the fact that you simply didn’t like what you were doing. Forced Downtime is a great time to figure out what you really want to do. If you are tired of working in a bank or advertising agency, there is no need to return to this area. Perhaps you want to teach yoga or do journalism. Think about how to make this dream come true. Looking for a fundamentally new job will be much more interesting for you.
Step 4
Consider if others are pressuring you too much. Constant reproaches for idleness, appeals to “earn like everyone else” sometimes cause a very strong rejection and a subconscious desire not to make any efforts to correct the situation. Ignore the opinions of others. Look for motivation in yourself.
Step 5
Maybe you are already used to the humble life? Do you have enough for food and utility bills, but the rest seems to be optional? Try to awaken other desires in yourself. Go shopping, try on expensive clothes. Go to a car dealership, leaf through the travel agency's catalog, sit down at a table in a cozy cafe. Do you want to take advantage of these benefits? You will have to pay for them - best of all, from a regular salary.
Step 6
A very radical but effective way is to deliberately corner yourself. Take out a loan, spend most of your money set aside for a rainy day. Provide yourself with a hopeless situation - and as soon as possible start looking for a way out, that is, a job.