I really want to learn how to keep up with everything, and at the same time, so that there is always time for yourself. But it is not enough just to do the work, it must be done with high quality, so that later you do not have to redo and correct mistakes.

Step 1
Forget versatility. Even the processor on the computer at this particular moment is busy with only one thing, then switches to the next. It might sound cool and tempting on your resume that you can do 10 things at once. In practice, this will interfere with you and the quality of your work. Focus on one task and do it your best, then move on to the next task.
Step 2
Make achievable plans. Include no more than 1-2 complex projects on your to-do list. And be sure to include several easily achievable goals, seeing the results immediately, your productivity will increase. For the correct distribution of time, study time management, it will help you correctly allocate resources and time and not waste a single second.
Step 3
Do not take on other people's responsibilities and tasks for the implementation of which you do not have the resources. Not only material things can act as resources, but also your time and nerves. If you are forced to face a problem after a solution that will bring you down with a heart attack and depression, do your best to avoid it. Learn to delegate time-consuming tasks. Your subordinates and colleagues who can take on the routine or do the task better than you can help you. If your boss allows you to change tasks, take this chance.
Step 4
Help yourself get into the right working mood with a variety of rituals and habits. Make a rule after each solved case to go outside or at least to the window for five minutes, or to drink a cup of fragrant tea after a difficult task. Give up time wasters like social media.