How Part-time Work Differs From Shortened Work

How Part-time Work Differs From Shortened Work
How Part-time Work Differs From Shortened Work

When it becomes necessary to establish a special work schedule, people often confuse what kind of working day they are entitled to according to the law: incomplete or shortened, and they believe that there is no difference between these concepts. However, it is not.

How part-time work differs from shortened work
How part-time work differs from shortened work

To whom the working day is reduced

A shorter working day is provided either before the holiday, or only for certain categories of workers. Each of them is discussed in detail in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in particular, in article 92. These include: adolescents (until they reach the age of 16, they can work a maximum of 16 hours a week; before reaching adulthood, the maximum will be a 35-hour working week); disabled people, and either group I or II (their weekly rate is 35 working hours); workers whose working conditions are recognized as harmful and (or) dangerous. For them, the working week should be no more than 36 hours.

Despite the lower number of hours worked (in comparison with the norm), workers are paid in full for workers whose working hours are shorter.

Special mode: working day, but part-time

Work on a part-time basis is paid differently. At the request of the employee, such a mode of work is established for him with a payment that will be proportional to the hours worked. For example, if the norm for this position in this institution is 8 hours a day, an employee can work 6 hours (as agreed with the administration). In this case, the payment will go to him only for these 6 hours.

Dependence may also be on the amount of work performed.

Part-time work can be established for any employee with the permission of the management (if it considers that such a regime will not harm the enterprise). The employer is obliged to establish it for a pregnant woman (at her request), as well as for persons caring for a disabled child. This regime is regulated by the Labor Code (Articles 93, 94), as well as other laws (for example, 181-FZ, affecting some aspects of the work of disabled people). A disabled person of the III group can write an application for part-time work, if such a mode of work is recommended by doctors in the IPRI (a rehabilitation program individually developed for each disabled person). Therefore, when employing people with disabilities, it is necessary to demand from them, in addition to a certificate of disability, a rehabilitation program. Young mothers are often asked to establish such a regime: they can combine work and caring for a small child.

Thus, part-time and shortened working hours are completely different modes of work, and the main difference is in wage rates.
