In the course of the company's business activities, some employers are forced to reduce working hours due to a decrease in production volumes. There are also cases when a reduction in the working day is carried out at the request of the employee himself, for example, in connection with pregnancy. One way or another, it is very important to arrange these actions correctly.

Step 1
First of all, notify the employee about the upcoming reduction in working hours. Do this no later than two months before the new work schedule takes effect. The notice must be in writing, signed by the director and the employee himself, whose signature will signify consent.
Step 2
Draw up a part-time order. Please indicate the reason here (for example, due to a decrease in production). Indicate in the order: work schedule; amount of payment; the names of positions and employees to whom the administrative document is applicable; the date of entry into force of the order. Sign below, give the document to employees for review.
Step 3
Draw up additional agreements to employee contracts. Here also indicate the work schedule, reason, payment, duration of agreements. The document must also be signed by both parties, affix the above information with a blue stamp. Make a duplicate of the document - one original for each side.
Step 4
If the reduction in working hours is applied at the request of the employee, you must receive a statement from him, written in the name of the manager. Check the correctness of its preparation: it should indicate the reason for the need to switch to a shortened working day, working hours. All documents confirming the need for such a work schedule, for example, a certificate from a medical institution about pregnancy, must also be attached.
Step 5
Next, draw up an order and an additional agreement to the employment contract. In these documents, write down all the working conditions, you can also draw up a work schedule, but before that, be sure to coordinate it with the employee himself. Transfer the order to the accounting department for subsequent payroll calculation. Sign all documents, give them to the chief accountant, the head of the personnel department and the employee himself for signature.