Every citizen of the Russian Federation has a whole range of rights: the right to property, the right to freedom of speech, the right to citizenship, etc. Even such a small citizen as a child also has his rights, but often does not think about it.

Distinguishing children's rights from adults' rights
To understand this difference, two concepts need to be considered. The first is legal capacity. To be legally capable means to have all the rights provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and a person has legal capacity from birth. The second concept is legal capacity. A child is not exactly capable, since it comes from the age of majority, which means that the child will be able to have some rights only from that moment, for example, the right to vote.
Children's rights
The basic rights of the child, which are enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation:
1. The right to life. All people have this right from birth. It implies by itself a prohibition on the murder of a person, as well as the fact that the state is obliged to protect and defend human life.
2. The right to liberty and security of person. This right is the foundation of a person's legal set. Freedom is understood as the ability to live the way he wants it, but on condition that it will not harm others. We can say that freedom is the opposition to concepts such as slavery and coercion. With regard to children, it should be said here that the Constitution of the Russian Federation prohibits the exploitation of children, as well as their abduction and trafficking.
3. The right to health protection and medical care. For the state of the Russian Federation, child health protection is the main factor of development. Regardless of social status, a child has the right to receive medical care at any state medical institution. It is also worth noting that children who are not yet adults, but they are more than fifteen years old, have the right to decide for themselves whether or not to agree to medical intervention.
4. The right to be raised in a family. Every child has the right to parental protection and care. The state, in turn, is taking a whole range of measures to support families (assistance to large families). Also, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, no one has the right to take a child from their parents without sufficient grounds. But, since sometimes it happens that a child is an orphan, the state helps to arrange a child in another family through adoption.
5. The right to education. It is compulsory to receive basic general education, which, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is free. Also, everyone has the right to enter a higher educational institution on a competitive basis and also free of charge. In order for a child to receive an education, the state provides for a variety of forms of education (full-time / part-time, distance), various types of incentives (scholarships, material assistance; for those who receive education not in their hometown - a place in a hostel).
6. The right to housing. The place of residence of children is understood as the place of residence of their parents or guardians. However, there are times when people do not have housing and are unable to purchase it. Here the state provides assistance through the provision of various benefits or housing certificates.
7. Ownership and inheritance. Everyone has the right to property, including a child. Nowadays there are frequent cases when children own one or another part of real estate, received as a gift or by inheritance. In addition, children are entitled to inheritance. Minors, in some cases established by law, have the right to receive a certain compulsory share of inheritance.