Life does not stand still: people meet, get married, have children and suddenly part. A new one appears on the fragments of a destroyed family, and the most difficult thing in this is the relationship between members of the new and the former family.

When the family has a new dad
A situation that has already become commonplace: after a divorce, noisy or not, after breaking dishes or without it, life gradually enters a calmer channel and a man appears on the horizon for a woman who is tired of previous problems. Of course, he is much better than the previous one, of course, he will always and everywhere remain a gentleman, it is natural that he will, and what is there, already love her children from his previous marriage.
Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. But here another aspect appears. The attitude of children to their stepfather. It is not uncommon for children to completely refuse to accept their stepfather and constantly refer to the fact that their biological father is incomparably better. It doesn't matter what the facts say otherwise, neither suggestions nor heart-to-heart conversations will help here, simply refusing once, children are rebuilt with great difficulty. Their trust and good attitude is extremely difficult to win.
It would seem that everything in such a situation is in the hands of the mother and stepfather, but one should not forget about such a factor as jealousy. Naturally, children love their mother. And it’s not surprising that they don’t want to share her love with anyone else. This factor may well become the determining factor, and then, not being able to explain, the child will argue that it was better with dad. It doesn't matter at all that there were constant scandals in the family, and the war did not stop for a minute. The main thing is that my mother was with a child.
It is somehow not customary to talk about the rights of a stepfather. However, in our country and about the rights of the father they do not think very often, although situations in life are different, and it is not always the father who is guilty of the breakdown of the family. Quite often it is the other way around, only the existing unspoken rule of children is almost always left to the mother.
Instead of a father
Stepfather is not a legal concept. For this reason, he does not have any rights over his wife's children. Even if he has a wonderful relationship with children, he has no right to even reprimand them for poor grades in school.
The only way to remedy the situation is adoption. In this case, the stepfather acquires the same rights as the biological father. Although there are quite enough obstacles along the way. So, the biological father, if he is not deprived of parental rights, may simply not give consent to adoption.
In any case, an adult man is obliged, according to his status, to try to build an attitude in the family in such a way that children do not feel deprived of their father's affection and attention. If children eventually realize that this particular person has done so much for them, and, finally, they love with all their hearts, then no legal rights will be simply irrelevant.