The Constitutional Court is called upon to ensure and protect the implementation of the constitution on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as to provide citizens with all fundamental rights and freedoms. Any person who believes that his constitutional rights have been violated in a particular case can apply there. However, when applying, you must comply with some requirements, otherwise the claim will not be considered.

Representative who has the right to appear before the Constitutional Court
Step 1
The appeal must be sent to the Constitutional Court in writing. In the application, indicate the specific body of the Constitutional Court to which the appeal is sent and your data (in the case of a legal entity, the relevant details should be indicated). This paragraph also indicates passport data, address and place of residence.
Step 2
Indicate the details of your representative (the person who represents the applicant in court) and the address of the body that issued the law required for verification (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Okhotny Ryad 1).
Step 3
Write the norms of the Constitution, according to which the consideration of the Constitutional Court is carried out (usually part 4 of article 125 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and articles 96 and 97 of the law "On the Constitutional Court"), as well as data on the checked law (date of adoption, the source in which is published).
Step 4
Please indicate your reasons for the appeal and state your position on the issue under consideration. Indicate a specific article of the law and a clause that is contrary to the Constitution and violates the rights and freedoms of the applicant.
Step 5
Next, attach a list of documents to be attached to the application. It is necessary to indicate the text of the act for verification, a power of attorney confirming the authority of the representative, a receipt for payment of the fee, translation of documents, if written in another language.
Step 6
After submitting an application, several stages of consideration go through, after which a verdict is announced or it is declared rejected. At the first stage, the complaint is considered directly at the Secretariat of the Court, where the complaint is checked for compliance with the requirements of the law. At the second stage, the judges preliminarily consider the petition, and the issue of its admissibility is decided. At the third stage, the complaint is considered at the Plenary Session, after which the consideration begins on the merits. Based on the results of the hearing, the judges issue a verdict on violation of constitutional rights.