When Is The Best Time To Quit Your Job

When Is The Best Time To Quit Your Job
When Is The Best Time To Quit Your Job

Firing is always stressful, even if it is a voluntary and balanced decision. Before leaving work, calculate the most favorable moment, so as not to lose money and not to waste time. Nowadays there is no way of joblessness, so they quit most often in two situations, if they have already found a new job or when they are just going to look for it.

The best time to get laid off
The best time to get laid off

The best time to get laid off

Before you put the letter of resignation on the desk to your superiors, you need to find out with a specialist in the personnel department the vacation period. You should find out on what working date the previous vacation was used. There is a chance that you walked it off in advance, without completing the reporting, working year. In this case, you will have to return part of the vacation pay. If you did not go on vacation, then compensation is due upon dismissal.

When calculating unused vacation days, full months are counted. Incomplete months are counted as follows: if the number of calendar days is less than 15 - the month is discarded, more - is considered as complete. Next, you need to divide the number of vacation days by twelve months and multiply them by the actual number of days worked.

Calculation example.

If eight months have passed since the previous vacation, and the vacation is 28 calendar days a year, then the calculation is as follows:

28: 12 = 2, 33 days of vacation.

2, 33 x 8 = 18 days.

Thus, the employer is obliged to pay you 18 days of vacation pay upon dismissal.

Two-week working off

According to the current legislation, the employee is obliged to notify the employer about the dismissal two weeks in advance. This time is also called working off. This situation sometimes makes it difficult for an employee to move to another job, especially when they refuse to wait for this deadline at the new place.

You can quit on the day of filing an application, without working out, in the following situations:

- mutual termination of the employment contract;

- admission to an educational institution for daytime education;

- retirement;

- moving to a new place of residence;

- a disease that prevents further work in the position held;

- caring for a sick family member;

- dismissal of disabled people and pensioners at their own request;

- dismissal of pregnant women;

- dismissal for caring for a child under the age of 14;

- Parents with many children under 16 years of age can also quit without work.

There is also a shortened working period of three calendar days. Employees who are on probation, seasonal workers and employees who have entered into an employment contract with an employer for a period of less than two months fall under such work.

Looking for a new job

Job search is also a job that takes a lot of time and effort, but sometimes the schedule at the current workplace is such that there is absolutely no time left to visit potential employers. If you do not have free time, and the job does not bring either money or moral satisfaction, you can act in the most daring and even reckless way - quit having no alternative options. In this case, you should calculate the payments and compensation you are entitled to upon dismissal, since you will have to live on these funds for some time. Before making the final decision to quit, browse a few job sites, post a resume, and chart your retreat paths in the form of part-time jobs or temporary jobs. You cannot relax and arrange yourself a long rest. The maximum amount of time you can afford is two days off. Now you have a new task - to find the perfect workplace where career growth and financial stability await you.
