If you are unhappy with the service in a store, restaurant or other institution, you should not sort things out and make trouble. You can act in a more civilized manner and indicate your claims in the book of reviews and suggestions. With its help, you can apply directly to the management of the institution and protect your rights.

Step 1
Remember that every consumer has the right to state any claim in the book of reviews and suggestions. Even if you are offended by such trifles as dirty tables in the restaurant, too loud music, unfriendly expression on the face of the staff, you can complain about them. Serious misconduct - miscalculation, rudeness or frankly poor service - must be noted without fail.
Step 2
Get a book of reviews and suggestions by contacting the administrator or the service department. It should be provided upon request. Customers also have the right not to disclose to the staff what caused their dissatisfaction.
Step 3
Find out if the feedback and suggestion book is for all service personnel. For example, security service, cleaners, etc. can be registered to another legal entity, which in this case will have to provide a complaint book.
Step 4
Flip through the book and notice how the establishment responds to customer complaints. In accordance with the filing rules, each complaint must be accompanied by a response from the management. In a specially designated field, an official of the enterprise indicates what measures were taken, certifying with his signature.
Step 5
State your claim on a blank page. Try to be correct and courteous, and avoid insults and false accusations. If you need to report a specific employee, please include their name and title. You can clarify this information with the very representative of the institution or in the administration. Remember that, by law, the names and surnames of employees must be issued at the first request of the client.
Step 6
Sign in the dedicated field or leave your complaint anonymous. Columns "Home address" and "Home phone" are optional. You only need to do this if you want the person in charge to contact you in the future and report on the actions taken in response to your complaint.