Who is not familiar with the situation when you buy some thing in a store, bring it home and instead of joy you feel sheer disappointment - in the process of operation hidden flaws begin to "creep out"? What to do in this case? Of course, defend your consumer rights. The guidelines below will help you with this.

Step 1
First of all, make a statement about the identified deficiencies of the product, which is essentially a claim. You have the right to send a claim of your choice either to the seller or to the manufacturer (importer) of the goods. Please indicate in your claim:
- the name and address of the store or the name of the individual entrepreneur, his TIN and the location of the outlet where the goods were purchased. This information is usually found on the sales receipt, or you can request such information at the point of sale of the product;
- your last name, first name, patronymic, address, contact phone number;
- the name of the product, the date of its purchase and the amount you paid for the product;
- identified shortcomings.
Step 2
At the end of your claim, state your requirements based on Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights". According to the law, if, under the guise of quality, you were sold a product with defects (defects), you can demand:
- replacement of a low-quality product with a quality product identical to it;
- replacement of a low-quality product for a quality product of another brand, another model or other article with a corresponding recalculation of the price;
- reduction of the purchase price in proportion to the identified deficiencies;
- Immediate free elimination of deficiencies;
- reimbursement of expenses for the elimination of defects, which you made on your own or with the help of third parties;
- return of the amount paid for the goods. In this case, poor quality goods are returned to the seller, if the seller requires it, at the expense of the seller.
Step 3
In addition, on the basis of the same article, you can claim compensation for all losses incurred by you as a result of the sale of a defective product to you.
Step 4
Do not forget to sign the application and put the current date on it.
Step 5
Attach copies of the documents you have on the purchase of goods (sales receipt, cashier's receipt) to the application. If you do not have such checks, do not be embarrassed by this circumstance - in accordance with part 5 of article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", this does not in any way diminish your consumer rights and cannot serve as a basis for refusing to satisfy your claims.
Step 6
When the application is ready, take a photocopy of it for yourself. Hand over the application to the seller (manufacturer, importer) in one of the following ways:
- personally to an individual entrepreneur, store administration or one of the sellers. At the same time, on the photocopy you have left, the person who accepted the application from you must put a visa indicating his position, surname and initials, the date of acceptance of the application;
- by registered mail with notification and a list of attachments.