In general cases, the relationship between the employer and the employee is governed by the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. But at each workplace, the main local normative act on the basis of which the employee must act is the job description.

Step 1
Job description - the main document that determines the organizational and legal position of each staff unit in the structure of the enterprise or in its division. This is the criterion that the employer uses when conducting certification or to assess violations in the event of disciplinary action. Failure to comply with the requirements listed in this document is a sufficient reason only for administrative penalties, but also for the dismissal of the employee.
Step 2
But this is a document that is necessary not only for the employer, but, first of all, for the employee himself. The job description should provide a clear definition of the nature of the work performed in accordance with this position, as well as the qualification requirements necessary for this. This document provides a list of responsibilities, stipulates powers and rights, and also defines responsibility for failure to comply with its requirements.
Step 3
A formalized job description detailing the job responsibilities corresponding to a particular staff unit must be developed, approved and put into effect by order of the organization. A candidate applying for a vacant position must be familiarized with these local regulatory documents even before an employment contract is concluded with him, as regulated by Part 3 of Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
Step 4
If this normative act relates to a small circle of employees, it is advisable to put a visa confirming familiarization directly on the document itself, under its main text, below the signature of the document developer and approval visas. Before the employee's signature, you can immediately print the phrase: "I have read the job description," or the employee must write it in his own hand, put his signature, give its decryption and indicate the date. In the event that this job description concerns a large number of employees, it is advisable to create a special journal in which everyone who has become familiar with this document will sign with their last name, first name and patronymic, position and date of acquaintance.
Step 5
Since the job description is the document that regulates the activities of the employee, he must always have it at hand in order to be guided by it. Therefore, you can supplement the visa familiarization with job duties with the phrase: "I have received a copy of the job description." A certified copy of this document, handed over to the employee against signature, is a guarantee that in the event of a labor or legal dispute, he will no longer be able to refer to the fact that he has forgotten its provisions.