How To Draw Up Job Descriptions For Specialists

How To Draw Up Job Descriptions For Specialists
How To Draw Up Job Descriptions For Specialists

Table of contents:


When hiring a specialist, the employer negotiates the working conditions with him. In order for the words to have legal force, it is necessary to draw them up on paper. This is what a job description is for. This document contains all the requirements, duties, responsibilities and rights of the employee. When drawing up an instruction, you must think over all the nuances of labor relations, because this document will regulate the work of a specialist.

How to draw up job descriptions for specialists
How to draw up job descriptions for specialists


Step 1

First complete the General Provisions section. Enter the following information here:

- the procedure for appointment and removal from a position;

- to whom the specialist is subordinate;

- requirements for the employee, for example, work experience, education, etc.;

- what professional knowledge a specialist should have, for example, knowledge of legislative acts;

- what he should be guided by in his work, for example, the Charter of the company, orders of the head, etc.

Step 2

In the next section, list your job responsibilities. For example, if you are writing a job description for a chief accountant, you can include the following conditions here:

- management and control over employees of the accounting department;

- organization of accounting and tax accounting;

- control over the legality of transactions carried out in the course of the company's financial activities;

- ensuring the preparation of accounting and tax reporting.

Step 3

If you are issuing an instruction manual for a chief construction engineer, include responsibilities such as:

- ensuring the execution of works on the construction of the facility;

- development of current construction plans;

- control over the fulfillment of obligations under economic and financial contracts;

- control over the consumption of building materials.

Step 4

If you are writing a document for a designer, your responsibilities include:

- coordination of sketches of work with the head;

- project development.

Step 5

Indicate the rights and responsibilities of the specialist. For example, if you are writing a job description for a designer, you might include a condition such as providing suggestions to management to improve your work and that of the organization. In the next section, list everything for which the specialist is responsible, for example, violation of house rules, discipline, etc.
