Job descriptions refer to the All-Russian Classifier of Documentation 011-93. When drawing up and approving, one should be guided by Rostrud letter No. 4412-6. The Labor Code does not contain instructions on the preparation and execution of this document, therefore, all statements can be attributed to the internal legal acts of the enterprise that regulate the functions, duties and qualifications for a particular position.

- - job descriptions;
- - order.
Step 1
To approve job descriptions, first write separate job descriptions for each employee, or for each job title. All internal legal acts are drawn up and agreed by the administrative staff of the enterprise, taking into account the opinion of the primary or independent trade union organization acting on behalf of the workers. It is also necessary to take into account all articles of the Labor Code, since the range of job responsibilities cannot contradict general legislation.
Step 2
In each instruction, describe in detail the entire range of responsibilities for individual employees, or draw up a general instruction for the name of one position. This means that if you have 3 accountants, then the range of job responsibilities, qualifications and functions performed may be different, in this case you write and approve separate instructions. If all 3 employees will perform the same function, have the same qualifications, then one job description can be drawn up, applicable to a specific job title.
Step 3
Write each job description in typewritten text, put the signatures of the officials present at the approval, the seal of your organization, the date of approval. When compiling the text, be additionally guided by the qualification guide approved by Resolution No. 37 of the Ministry of Labor dated 07.21.98., GOST R 6.30-2003 and the second section of this GOST. Each instruction must have a serial number, for example, DI-1, DI-2, etc.
Step 4
The final statement of the CI is the order. There is no unified form for this order, so draw it up in free form on the organization's letterhead. Indicate the date of the order, number, basis. In this case, the basis will be the order “On the approval of job descriptions”.
Step 5
Write down from which number, by which, you approve instructions, the names of positions on the list of approval. In one line with the name of the position, put the number of the job description, for example, the head of the personnel department - DI-01. You can draw up the entire statement with a general list. If you make changes to any instruction in the future, then approve it by a separate order. Indicate the date of drawing up the order, from what date to enter into force all the instructions.