In each organization, job descriptions are drawn up for employees. This is usually done by personnel officers and department heads. But for the director of a company, it is more difficult to make a list of responsibilities, tasks, rights and working conditions than for an ordinary specialist. After all, the head of the enterprise is responsible for all the work of the organization.

- - charter or other constituent documents of the company;
- - company regulations;
- - internal labor regulations.
Step 1
Write a general job description for the director of the organization. This item includes the management of the enterprise, in accordance with the charter or other constituent document that is in force in the company. Indicate that the head of the company is subject to the regulations of the company, which are approved by the head of the organization or the founders. The director should be guided by this job description, as well as the decisions of the board of participants, if the company has several founders. The item "General Provisions" may contain other sub-items. It depends on the goals and objectives of the enterprise.
Step 2
List the responsibilities of the director of the company. This item includes the maintenance, control of the financial, economic activities of the company. The functions of the head of the enterprise include the organization of work between the services (departments) of the company. The director controls accounting in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
Step 3
Describe the rights of the director of the company. As a rule, these include hiring, dismissing, transferring employees, signing contracts with contractors and employees. The rights of the manager include opening bank accounts and other actions that are in his competence. In many companies, the director must be guided by the charter, another constituent document, and not go beyond the organization's regulations.
Step 4
Write down the responsibility of the director. Typically, the goal of a leader is to fulfill the organization's objectives. And this is making a profit. If the financial result is negative, a fine or other administrative penalty is imposed on the manager. Like all employees of the enterprise, the director must control the subordination of employees to the rules of the internal labor schedule, provisions on labor protection. For violation of regulatory enactments, the manager is obliged to apply punishment measures to employees within his competence.