For the continuity of the production process at enterprises, a shift work schedule should be drawn up. To do this, you must comply with all labor laws. It is necessary to determine the length of the working day for each employee and calculate the required number of personnel for each shift.

It is necessary
- - documents of the enterprise;
- - labor legislation;
- - staffing table;
- - internal labor regulations.
Step 1
There is no unified form for shift work, so the company should develop such a document itself. But it must contain the required details.
Step 2
In the upper left corner, it is recommended to indicate the full, abbreviated name of the enterprise in accordance with the constituent documents or the surname, initials of an individual, if the enterprise's OPF is an individual entrepreneur. Under the name of the company, write the name of the document (it should be written in capital letters), as well as the period (month, year) for which it is being developed. Next, you should enter the name of the department (structural unit, service) for which the shift schedule is drawn up.
Step 3
Make a table. The first column should contain a serial number, the second - the personal data of the employee (surname, initials), the position he holds. In the third column, write down the employee's personnel number. Next, write down the month by date. For each workday, highlight a column.
Step 4
Provide a familiarization column for each specialist in the table. When the schedule is fully completed and approved, employees must sign their dates.
Step 5
Determine the number of shifts that are necessary for the continuity of the production process, as well as the duration of each of them. Calculate the number of workers to work in a single shift. Schedule working days for employees, having previously assigned a symbol to each shift.
Step 6
Confirm the shift schedule with the signature of the head of the department (indicating his personal data, job title). This document is approved by the CEO of the company. He should endorse the schedule, the resolution should contain the position of the first person, his surname, initials, signature, date.
Step 7
It should be borne in mind that the shift schedule must be drawn up in advance, and employees must be introduced to it a month before the entry into force of the order on the approval of this document.