The shift schedule is developed in accordance with article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. When employed, an employee is introduced to the work schedule, it is indicated in the internal legal acts of the enterprise and is entered as a separate clause in the employment contract. At any time, the head of the enterprise can change the shift schedule, but the employee must be warned one month in advance. An additional agreement is drawn up to the employment contract.

It is necessary
- - the resolution of the trade union;
- - labor contract;
- - internal regulations;
- - chart form;
- - a pen.
Step 1
Schedule the work of the watchmen for each reporting period. Consider one month of work as the reporting period. Consider the views of the union committee and the employee when scheduling.
Step 2
When drawing up a schedule, take into account Article 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, if in your organization the calculation of salaries is made by the summarized accounting of working hours for the reporting period, then you have the right to draw up any schedule. For example, each watchman can work for 24 hours, but at the same time after the work shift there must be at least 48 hours of rest. For continuous protection of the enterprise, you will have to employ 3 guards.
Step 3
If you have set a work schedule of 24 hours of work and 72 hours of rest, then you will have to hire 4 watchmen.
Step 4
Having established a schedule of 8 hours, that is, a three-shift working order, 3 guards will guard the enterprise per day of work. According to labor law, each watchman can work no more than 6 days a week, that is, you will have to hire 1 or 2 more shift workers.
Step 5
You can set a 12 hour shift. According to the Labor Code, with a 12-hour working day, the working time cannot exceed 40 hours per week. That is, the legislator allows the employer to apply any work schedule, the main thing is that the work alternates with the prescribed rest, the duration of which cannot be less than 42 hours a week (Article 110 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
Step 6
Also keep in mind that the night shift should be 1 hour shorter (article 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, if it lasts the usual amount of time, then in addition to the payment for work on the night of a 20% allowance, you must pay double the amount of one overworked hour.
Step 7
Before non-working holidays, reduce the working time by 1 hour (Article 95 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If this is not possible, then the extra hour is subject to double payment.
Step 8
Do not set a schedule that will indicate two shifts in a row for one employee without the prescribed hours of rest (Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This means that if the schedule is 24 hours, then the next day should be a day of rest. If the schedule is 8 or 12 hours, then only in exceptional cases can the shift be extended. For example, if there is no one to replace the watchman, if there are emergencies at the enterprise or man-made disasters.
Step 9
If you have established three-shift work, then every week you must rotate shifts.