A watchman is a hired employee, whose profession belongs to the general classifier and has nothing to do with security guards who work with a license that allows them to carry out armed guards at an enterprise. For the watchman, you can set any work schedule, it depends on the conditions specified in the employment contract, and pay according to tariff categories 016-94.

- - calculator or 1C program;
- - schedule.
Step 1
Indicate the salary of the watchman when drawing up an employment contract. In accordance with the decree of the State Committee for Labor 58 / 3-102 and the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation 15A, you can set a salary or an hourly wage rate for the watchman.
Step 2
You can set the watchman's work schedule as 24-hour, 12-hour or 8-hour. Calculate wages in accordance with the general rules based on the total number of hours worked per month.
Step 3
If the watchman works night shifts, which, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, start at 22:00 and end at 6:00, then add 20% to the total earnings, unless otherwise specified in the internal legal acts of the enterprise.
Step 4
Pay double pay for work on national holidays, regardless of the watchman's work schedule. If an employee expressed a written desire to receive an additional day off instead of double payment, then pay for labor on holidays in a single amount.
Step 5
Double pay for processing. Consider the number of hours processed based on the total number of hours worked in a month.
Step 6
For example, if the watchman receives an hourly wage rate of 100 rubles for one hour of work, then calculate separately all working hours on night shifts, multiply by 100 and 20%. Calculate the payment for day shifts separately. If the summarized calculation of working hours has exceeded the general rate in the working month, based on the number of working days in a given month, multiplied by 8, then multiply all overtime hours by 200 rubles.
Step 7
To the amount received, add the remuneration or incentive specified in the legal acts of the company, subtract 13% income tax. The remaining amount will be payment for the work of one month of the watchman's work.
Step 8
Do not forget that the watchman has no right to use weapons and other special equipment for protection. Therefore, if your company requires armed security, then hire licensed security guards (article 2487-1 on security activities), whose salaries are much higher than a simple hired guard.