Can you work less and get more? For those who want to live by this principle, there is a rotational work method. Many Russians value such working conditions for the opportunity to receive higher wages for fewer hours of work. To find a job as a watchman and be sure of the trustworthiness of the employer, it is important to follow simple rules.

Who is suitable to work on a rotational basis
In theory, a shift worker can find a representative of almost any specialty - from a plumber to a scientist. But the modern personnel market is built differently. The employer readily welcomes applicants for work on a shift basis in the fields of construction, research, ecology, and agriculture. Moreover, recently there has been a tendency for an increased demand for representatives of blue-collar specialties. The only exception is the shift for engineers - for the lucky owners of this technical specialty, the road to the rotational service is open almost everywhere and all year round.
Watch work: how to identify scammers
At the first glance at the volume of shift work vacancies, it seems that demand significantly exceeds supply. In fact, this is not the case. Russian employers often cannot form labor collectives from the local population, therefore they are forced to attract foreigners to work on a shift basis.
At the same time, there are a lot of fraudulent advertisements on the job market, as well as vacancies from unscrupulous employers. In order not to fall for the bait of scammers, it should be remembered that job offers on a watch always include:
- a description of the work to be performed without the abstract “workers are required for employment in the Far North”. A conscientious employer always clearly defines the vacant position. Most often, the rotational schedule is offered to workers in the construction industry;
- reasonable work schedule. Most often it is 30 to 30, 15 to 15 days. It should be remembered that a shift over 3 months is extremely rare, and it is better not to agree to it, as this can damage your health.
Subsequently, the employment contract with the candidate always clearly fixes the schedule of the working conditions. The applicant should be alerted by the employer's desire to shift the costs of travel to the place of work and back to the employee and the fractional salary (salary and a large bonus fund).
Where to look for a shift job
The search for shift work has one important feature. Typically, the employer is in one place, the job is offered in another, and the applicant lives in a third. Of course, this makes it necessary to significantly expand the search area and use remote and interregional methods of employment.
The employment center rarely works on an interregional basis, since it is primarily interested in employment directly in the region of appeal.
A convenient way to search for vacancies with a rotational regime is work sites. Some of them also have an employer rating, which allows you to filter out questionable offers.
Often, large companies publish vacancies directly on their own websites, bypassing special resources. The explanation is simple - the demand for employment in reliable and large organizations is so high that corporations simply do not need help from work sites. Such vacancies are closed quickly, and getting to them is problematic. But the chances can be increased if you send your resume in advance to all companies of interest for employment with a request to include the candidate in the reserve for rotational vacancies.