Monday is a hard day. A typical phrase of ordinary workers, but no one has ever thought that this most terrible day can be turned into a wonderful pastime. You just need to work on yourself a little - a little. And change what surrounds you. Let's say to combine business with pleasure. Here are 5 of the best and easiest ways to make work fun.

The first way is "Appearance", you should always look great, this depends on self-confidence and of course the mood. People who have reached any career heights do not always look attractive, but psychologists are sure that having a good appearance is the ticket to the world of rich and successful people. To work as a holiday is already the key to success. And your colleagues will start treating you with respect. As the saying goes: "We meet on clothes, we see off on the mind." So, do not be lazy to get up early, exercise, eat breakfast and tidy yourself up.
The second method "Workplace", having come to work, a person first of all sees his workplace, and in what state it is. This is the main link in one chain. Firstly, there should be no house, order is needed everywhere, because it's more pleasant. Secondly, brighten up the situation, you can put a flower or photographs of your loved ones, which will be pleasant for you to look at. Animals are anti-stress, psychologists say. So you can get a fish, they calm down or a small parrot to listen to wonderful singing. You can put souvenir figurines on your desktop to smile more often or attach some colorful calendar to the wall. In general, even such little things need to be paid attention to, they make a certain atmosphere in the room not only for you, but also for your colleagues.
The third method "Lighting", in fact, this part is also important, not only the general condition, but also the state of health depends on this spectrum. Often people do not even notice this, they sit in dark rooms, squinting at something reading, writing or working on a laptop. Eyesight deteriorates and drowsiness appears, so first of all we think about our health. There is a way out, if you do not have enough general lighting, then you can buy a table lamp, it will also betray comfort.
The fourth method is "Lunch break", you must have lunch, everyone needs strength. But you can not only dine, but pay attention to yourself. Go for a walk, get some fresh air and listen to birdsong. You can also take a walk to a beauty salon or read a fascinating book that will save you from unnecessary thoughts. You need to understand that the lunch break was created not only to eat, but also to take a break from work, do yourself or whatever you want.
And finally, the fifth way "Live like the last time", people just need to understand that work is only a small part in their life, and it is absurd to waste free time in vain. After work, your life should be active and purposeful, try to make it more colorful. Go for walks, play games, bake cakes, do what brings you pleasure. Smile more often, and then any working day will be a little more beautiful.