It is very common for parents to draw up a donation agreement for a child. This is necessary in order to protect the baby, just in case of fire. However, not everyone knows how to do this.

- gift agreement;
- birth certificate of a child;
- passports of his legal representatives;
- certificate of ownership
Step 1
The only caveat when making a gift for a child is that until his majority all decisions on the gift will be made by the child's legal representatives, that is, by his parents. A donation agreement for a child is drawn up in the same way as everyone else. As a rule, young children are given an apartment or a share of ownership in real estate. You can issue a deed of gift for an apartment in a simple written form. That's just it needs to be certified by a notary (at the same time, you can clarify the details of the transaction, for example, how to avoid the appearance of other heirs).
Step 2
After completing the document, it must be registered with the Office of the Federal Registration Service. To do this, you need to submit the following documents: a duly executed gift certificate, a document confirming the right to the donor's property, a child's birth certificate, as well as passports of his legal representatives. After your donation is registered with the Office, the ownership of the residential property passes to the minor child.
Step 3
If you give your child, grandson or granddaughter a share of an apartment or house, which is part of the joint property of several owners (provided that they are your relatives), then their consent to conclude such a donation agreement is not required.
Step 4
You can not draw up a donation agreement, but simply promise that the property will be donated. According to Article 572 of the Civil Code of Russia, the promise of donation is recognized as a donation agreement and obliges the promising party to complete the matter with the transfer of rights to the gift. A promise is legally binding if it is made in writing and registered with state authorities for registration of rights to real estate. If the donor dies before the deed is drawn up, then his heirs are obliged to complete this business for him.