According to Russian labor law, an employee can be granted unpaid leave. In practice, this type of vacation is called administrative leave.

Step 1
First, get an application drawn up by an employee asking for an unpaid leave, that is, administrative leave. At the same time, he must indicate in the letter the duration of the vacation, the reasons that prompted him to this request (they must be objective, for example, in connection with the registration of marriage). The application must be written to the name of the head of the organization.
Step 2
After you get your hands on the application, evaluate the possibility of granting leave. If the answer is yes, draw up an order for granting leave to the employee (form No. T-6). In this administrative document, in section "B" of the first line, indicate that the vacation is without content, and just below put the number of days and the period.
Step 3
In section "B", summarize, that is, also indicate the number of days and the period. After that, sign the order and give it to the employee for review, who must also sign and date.
Step 4
Further, in the personal card (form No. T-2), put a mark in the "Vacation" section, indicate the type of vacation, the number of days, the period and the basis, that is, the order of the head.
Step 5
After that, put down in the time sheet (form No. T-12) in front of the employee's surname the leave marks. If this is a vacation by agreement of the parties, write "TO". If leave is provided under the law, for example, a participant in the Second World War, then indicate "OZ".
Step 6
Please note that, despite your decision, the wives (husbands) and parents of military personnel, working pensioners, employees in the event of a child's birth, official marriage registration, death of a close relative and other categories of employees, which are determined by labor legislation, have the right to take administrative leave.