The current labor legislation does not provide for the possibility of providing targeted parental leave. An employee can only apply for a sick leave, agree with an employer on unpaid leave, or quit his job and receive compensation for caring for parents.

Labor law does not list parental leave as part of the employee's vacation time list, so the employer is not required to provide such leave. If the parents really need care, then the employee can issue a sick leave, ask for leave without pay, or terminate the employment contract in order to further formalize compensation payments. The first option allows you to get up to seven calendar days of sick leave for one case of care, but the total number of such days per year for caring for one relative should not exceed thirty. In this case, the sick leave is drawn up in a general manner, and the employee receives a temporary disability benefit.
Unpaid leave
Another option for an employee is to take unpaid leave, which may be granted by the employing organization in exceptional personal or family circumstances. During the said vacation, the employee is not paid a monetary remuneration for work, which does not allow him to stay on it for too long. The duration of unpaid leave can be any, this parameter is determined by an agreement between the company and the employee. The only problem is that the employer is not obliged to provide such leave to take care of the parents, therefore, the manager can simply refuse to the corresponding statement of the employee, and it is impossible to oblige him to provide a certain time of rest in this case.
Registration of compensation payment
Finally, the last opportunity to constantly care for parents who have reached the age of eighty is to be fired from work and formalized for compensation. To implement this procedure, you will need to terminate the employment contract, and then submit an application and other necessary documents to the Pension Fund office. With the consent of the parents to provide such care, the authorized body will pay a small compensation, but in the process of receiving it, you cannot get another job, receive unemployment benefits or apply for a pension. In any of the above cases, the payment of compensation will be terminated, and the overpaid funds may be recovered from the unscrupulous recipient. The current legislation does not provide for other ways of caring for parents.