At all enterprises, employees of the personnel department are faced with the issue of issuing employees a parental leave, which can last one and a half and three years. To do this, the specialist must write an application with a request to provide parental leave for a child up to three years old and compensation payments, and the director of the organization must issue a corresponding order.

Employee's documents, child's birth certificate, certificate from the place of work of the second parent, forms of relevant documents, pen, A4 paper, company seal, organization documents
Step 1
Write the application in the name of the first person of the company. In the header of the document, enter the full name of the enterprise in accordance with the constituent documents or the surname, initials of the individual in accordance with the identity document, if the company is an individual entrepreneur. Indicate the surname, initials, position of the head of the organization in the dative case. Write your position in accordance with the staffing table, last name, first name, patronymic in the genitive case.
Step 2
In the content of the application, state your request for parental leave until the child reaches the age of three. Indicate the last name, first name, patronymic of the child, his date of birth, as well as the date from which you wish to receive this vacation. Write your request to assign you a monthly child care allowance and a monthly compensation payment. In accordance with the current legislation, a parent on parental leave up to one and a half years old is paid a monthly allowance equal to 40% of the official salary of an employee, and up to three years, an employee is entitled to a monthly payment of 50 rubles. Please personally sign the application and the date it was written.
Step 3
Attach to the document a copy of the child's birth certificate and a certificate issued to the second parent stating that he does not use this leave at his place of work, and the monthly childcare allowance was not assigned or paid to him. The certificate must be signed by the director of the company and certified by the seal of the company.
Step 4
On the basis of the application, the head of the enterprise draws up an order, in the administrative part of which leave is granted to care for a child up to three years old. The second item is to assign a monthly allowance for caring for a child up to one and a half years, monthly compensation payments in the amount of 50 rubles. Specify the timing of benefits and compensation payments. The third point is to assign responsibility for the execution of this document to the chief accountant of the organization to carry out the payments due to the employee in the time of payment of wages in the company.
Step 5
Familiarize yourself with the order against the signature of the employee who is granted parental leave, the chief accountant of the enterprise. The document is signed by the director of the company, certified by the seal of the company.