Does A Citizen Have The Right To Exercise Public Control

Does A Citizen Have The Right To Exercise Public Control
Does A Citizen Have The Right To Exercise Public Control

A citizen has the right to exercise public control when joining a human rights organization or a public chamber. There is a list of persons who cannot become controllers.

Does a citizen have the right to exercise public control
Does a citizen have the right to exercise public control

There are a large number of supervisory and regulatory organizations in Russia. However, from the side of various structures, the number of violations does not decrease. The requirements of budgetary legislation and regulations are not complied with when supplying goods and services. The level of corruption is not decreasing either. Therefore, in 2014, a law on public control was passed.

Features of public control

It is carried out on the basis of self-organization of citizens or by individuals on their own initiative. In Russia, control is carried out by:

  • various human rights organizations;
  • NPO;
  • public chambers.

All of them have the right to monitor the activities of government agencies, local governments and other organizations. If a person has not found protection of his rights or interests in municipal and other state. authorities, he can apply to public associations to resolve the issue in court.

The public council cannot include:

  • persons holding public office;
  • state employees;
  • citizens with a criminal record;
  • people with dual citizenship.

Fundamental Rights of Individuals Exercising Public Control

People engaged in this activity have the right to:

  • monitor;
  • lodge complaints on their own behalf with the court and law enforcement agencies;
  • send suggestions.

They have the right to publish work reports on special sites. For example, RPO "Public Control" displays all the information on its website. Controllers can request from the supervised bodies the necessary information and documents, send materials to the authorities when violations are detected. The state bodies that received the appeal must give an answer within 30 days. If the case requires an immediate investigation, the answer must be provided immediately.

What can the public overseers not check and do?

Organizations and individuals do not have the right to check accounting and other papers related to the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. Access to research on the correct use of cash registers, employment contracts and medical books is closed for them.

Public overseers cannot claim access to office space or refunds for a test purchase. The latter can only be done through a court of law.

If you want to become a controller, you need to go through training. It includes theoretical studies, participation in activities with experienced observers. Classes are usually conducted by lawyers, psychologists, and social activists. Courses are usually offered free of charge.
