Accounting for the time actually worked by employees is the employer's obligation, enshrined in article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This journal is a document on the basis of which control is carried out on how discipline is maintained at the enterprise and how working time is used. Entries in this journal allow the employer to apply administrative measures to negligent employees, they can serve as the basis for announcing remarks and reprimands.

Why do you need time tracking?
Working time, its duration, taking into account the obligatory lunch breaks, is determined by an employment or collective agreement. This is the time period during which the employee must perform the duties for which he, in fact, receives wages. Labor legislation establishes the working time of 40 hours per week, and the internal regulations at each enterprise establish a work schedule that takes into account its beginning and end, as well as the beginning and end of the lunch break.
Compliance with the internal work schedule is the duty of the employee, but there are times when he is simply forced to leave during the working day. So that his absence from the workplace is not counted as absenteeism, he needs to notify his immediate supervisor and make an appropriate entry in the working time log. Thus, this document allows you to take into account the actual hours worked, as well as periods of downtime, absence from the workplace, etc.
In accordance with Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, absenteeism is the absence of an employee at the workplace for more than 4 hours without a valid reason.
Who keeps a time log and how
The duty to keep a time log can be assigned to the same employee who keeps the timesheet, or assigned to someone else, but in any case, this should be reflected in his job or job description. This responsibility can also be assigned by order of the management. Those. the employee who will be responsible for maintaining the accounting journal should be administratively responsible for this.
Printed books are available from office supply stores or online. As a rule, it should contain such mandatory fields as:
- serial number of the record;
- the date;
- surname, name and patronymic of the employee;
- time of arrival at work;
- time of leaving work;
- a note in which the reason for the absence is recorded;
- column for signature.
For violation of the labor schedule, the employer has the right to make a remark or reprimand, as well as to impose a penalty, the validity of which is determined in one year.
Log entries are made daily. Since the accounting journal is a document, all its pages must be numbered and laced. The lacing must be sealed with a seal and the signature of the person in charge of the journal.