A construction log is a document that keeps records of all construction work performed. It also reflects information on the control of the work and construction supervision.

Construction log, a list of persons authorized to keep the log
Step 1
On the title page of the construction log, indicate the list of persons authorized to maintain it.
Step 2
Make entries in the journal from the start date of construction work until the date of their actual completion.
Step 3
In section 1 "List of engineering and technical personnel participating in the construction", the representative of the construction company must enter the data of all personnel involved in the construction.
Step 4
Section 2 "List of special journals, which keep records of the work performed, as well as the author's supervision journals of the person preparing the project documentation" is filled in by a representative of the developer or a representative of the company involved in the preparation of project documentation.
Step 5
In section 3 "Information on the performance of work in the construction process" the representative of the construction company enters data on all completed construction work. The dates for the start and end of the work and information on the process of their implementation should be indicated here. In this section, it is necessary to describe the methods of performing construction work, the building materials used.
Step 6
In section 4 "Information on the construction control of the developer or customer during the construction process", the developer's representative must enter information on the identified deficiencies during construction work.
Step 7
In section 5 "Information on the construction control of the person carrying out the construction", the representative of the construction company must enter information on the deficiencies identified during the performance of construction work and data on the quality control mechanisms.
Step 8
In section 6 "List of as-built documentation during construction", a representative of a construction company must enter a list of regulatory documents governing the process of work, samples of building materials used, the results of examinations for the quality of work performed.
Step 9
Section 7 "Information on the state construction supervision during construction" is filled in by a representative of the state construction supervision body. It should describe the results of the checks carried out for the compliance of the work performed with the requirements of regulatory documents and project documentation. It should also contain information on the issuance or non-issuance of an opinion on the compliance of the completed construction work with the necessary requirements.