In order to achieve the most complete return from the employee, the manager needs to solve two problems: determine the specific needs (motivation) of the employee and find ways to satisfy this need.

Step 1
From time to time, the employee's value system may change. In order to timely grasp the essence of changes in motivation and adjust the incentive system, the manager needs to take it as a rule - once every six months (at least) to conduct employee surveys. It is not necessary to ask direct questions, it is better to do something like a competition: who will give more answers to the question "how to get the full return from the employee." The received answers will provide an opportunity to analyze the interests of each employee.
Step 2
In one case, it can be a stable job, decent pay, a good team and an office not far from home. In another case, it is an opportunity to prove oneself as a professional, a career prospect, a cheerful and friendly team. In the first case, the employee will work more efficiently in a position that is supposed to perform routine work, but the work on introducing new projects will be difficult for him. In the second case, you can achieve the maximum return from the employee either by raising him in position, or by entrusting him with new developments.
Step 3
For some of the employees, an external assessment of his abilities is required. And here the "carrot and stick method" can become a way to improve labor efficiency. That is, with the proper performance of his duties, a person subconsciously expects praise, and vice versa - in the event of a mistake, he is ready to accept criticism in his address. For such an employee, external encouragement (at a meeting, the issuance of a small bonus with the obligatory announcement of the occasion to the team) is an important lever for increasing efficiency.
For other employees, the decisive moment is the internal assessment of their performance. Such people themselves know what and how they are doing the right thing, and what actions need to be adjusted. In this case, external assessment from the head is not the main lever of motivation. You can achieve full return from a person by other methods, for example, by the prospect of career growth or by increasing the share of employee responsibility in the company by participating in a new project.
Step 4
After studying the employee's value system, the manager can begin to implement the satisfaction of the voiced requirements. To entrust the employee with new tasks, taking into account his ambitions, to use incentives - moral and material, and most importantly - to increase the degree of his responsibility for the performance of a particular task. Then the undoubted result will be an improvement in the quality of the employee's work.