What Is The Penalty For Driving Without A Driver's License

What Is The Penalty For Driving Without A Driver's License
What Is The Penalty For Driving Without A Driver's License

There are several types of penalties for driving without a driver's license. Its severity depends on whether the person has forgotten the driving license at home or has deliberately got behind the wheel without documents.

The situation when a driver stopped by traffic police officers reaches into his pocket for a license, but they are not there, is not at all uncommon. Any driver understands perfectly well that the lack of a driver's license is a violation that will have to be held accountable. The question is what kind of it will be applied in a particular situation. After all, the punishment can be in the form of a fine or short-term imprisonment.

If you have an ID, but you forgot it at home, then the punishment will not be so severe - a fine of 500 rubles. At first glance, not much. However, there are a number of nuances from which it becomes clear that riding without a license is not at all so easy. In accordance with Article 27.12, a driver who drives a car without an appropriate document is subject to suspension from driving until the reason for this suspension is eliminated. Simply put, after a stop by the inspector, it will no longer be possible to get behind the wheel. There is only one way out of the situation - you must have rights. We'll have to call our relatives to bring a certificate. Or you can use another option; ask someone you know who has a driver's license to take you to your destination (home).

This should be done as quickly as possible, and here's why. If in the near future you do not have a license, the car will be sent to the penalty parking; there is no need to talk about the problems (including expenses) associated with her “release”. It is possible to add a request to leave the car for an hour in the protocol (indicating the address of residence), but the inspector will not wait long.

It's a different matter if there is no driver's license at all. In this case, a fine of 5000-15000 rubles is provided. The same penalty applies to persons with an expired driver's license. This category does not include persons driving a vehicle during a driving practice. Penalties in the amount of 30,000 rubles. apply to those who have transferred control of their car to a person who does not have a driver's license or is deprived of it. When clarifying the circumstances, the inspector has the right to leave the car until the reasons for the detention are eliminated. A different level of responsibility is provided for persons driving a car after the deprivation of the right to drive it. In this case, the guilty person faces an administrative arrest for up to 15 days (pregnant women and disabled people will be fined 5,000 rubles), or a fine of 30,000 rubles. However, there is an alternative - from 100 to 200 hours of community service.
