A certified copy of a document may be required in a variety of circumstances: for example, a bank may require a copy of a passport when issuing a loan; to obtain a passport, you need a copy of the work book; for registration as unemployed - a copy of the dismissal order. How to certify a copy of the document and who has the right to do it?

Step 1
Most often, the issuance of certified copies of documents is carried out by a notary. For a notarial certificate of fidelity to a copy, a person must apply in person, while having an identity card with him (preferably a passport). Certification of copies by power of attorney is possible only if such powers are specifically stipulated in the power of attorney, and it is drawn up in full accordance with the rules.
Step 2
A number of requirements are also imposed on the originals of documents from which a copy is made. They should not have corrections and erasures, pencil notes, crossed out, and so on. The notary may also refuse to certify a copy if the seal on the document is erased or illegible. If you need to make a certified copy of a document containing several sheets, the sheets of the copy must be numbered and bound.
Step 3
Enterprises and organizations also have the right to certify copies. So, you can apply for certification of a copy of the document to the organization that issued it. A copy in such cases is made on the letterhead of the organization. And the personnel of the company where you work.
Step 4
If the copy is certified correctly, then it must bear the seal of the organization, a stamp or handwritten inscription "Copy is correct", as well as the signature, surname, name, patronymic and position of the person who certified the document. If the copy is on several sheets and is not stitched, each sheet is certified.