When buying a car, it is very important to correctly draw up the purchase and sale documents. There are several checkout options with their own pros and cons. However, regardless of where and how you bought the car, it will have to be registered with the traffic police.

It is necessary
- - vehicle passport;
- - transit numbers;
- - help-invoice or sales contract;
- - insurance policy.
Step 1
When buying a car, check with the seller the documents for the car (vehicle passport), after which you pay for the car, get an invoice certificate, transit numbers, a store license and, along with a package of necessary documents, go to the Interdistrict Registration and Examination Department to put the vehicle on accounting.
Step 2
You can purchase a car from a notary (optional). In this case, you present the vehicle appraisal certificate to the notary and draw up the sales contract in triplicate. However, keep in mind that neither a thrift store nor a notary will deal with reconciliation of car numbers and checking it for theft. Therefore, it will be easier for you to register your purchase directly at the Interdistrict Registration and Examination Department, without the participation of a notary.
Step 3
You need to register the car within 10 days after purchase. To register the car, pay certain fees for the certificate form, technical inspection and registration plates. Show the employees of the Interdistrict Registration and Examination Department your passport (or a certificate from the Department of Internal Affairs if you lose your passport), a certificate of account or a sales contract, a vehicle passport (PTS), a receipt for payment for registration and license plates, transit numbers, issued in the salon and insurance policy.
Step 4
Inspectors will check your car for theft, theft and other unpleasant, but possible phenomena, make a technical inspection and in 10 days will give you license plates and a vehicle registration certificate. If there are no problems, registration can be completed on the same day, literally in an hour. After issuing the certificate, check if all the data in the documents match.
Step 5
If your car was brought in and cleared by customs in your name, submit to the Interdistrict Registration and Examination Department the car passport with a mark on the payment of the customs fee, transit numbers issued by customs, your passport and insurance policy for the car.