Selling a car, like buying it, is a complex process. You need not only to put the car in order and give it a presentation, but also visit several instances, prepare all the relevant documents.

Step 1
If you decide to sell your car, first of all, deregister it. To do this, go to the same traffic police department in which you received the numbers. Remove the state license plates, go through the verification of the body and engine numbers. Write a statement to remove the car from the register, pay the state duty.
Step 2
After that, put a mark in the passport of the technical device that it has been deregistered for sale. Also, you will be given a certificate of the released license plate unit.
Step 3
In addition to these documents, for the sale of a car, you will need photocopies of the passports of the seller and the buyer. In order not to stand in long lines, make them in advance.
Step 4
To sell a car quickly, you can also go to a service station and undergo computer diagnostics. You will receive a certificate of the technical condition of your car in your hands. This procedure is optional, but it can help convince the buyer that he is making the right choice.
Step 5
Next, with the buyer, you must draw up a sales contract or a certificate-invoice. This procedure is paid. In our country, it is traditionally accepted to pay it in half. When concluding an agreement, be sure to write receipts to each other. Buyer - that he has no complaints about the technical condition of the machine; and the seller - about how much he received in his hands.
Step 6
If you represent the interests of another person when selling a car, then you will also need a power of attorney.