Which Is Better, To Work For Yourself Or For An "uncle"

Which Is Better, To Work For Yourself Or For An "uncle"
Which Is Better, To Work For Yourself Or For An "uncle"

Each type of work has its own advantages and disadvantages, including when working for a company or for yourself. You only need to choose whether to work "for an uncle" or start your own business.

Which is better, work for yourself or for
Which is better, work for yourself or for

Each type of human activity is useful for society, which means that no matter what a person does, he is able to make this activity useful, interesting and important for himself and others. And it concerns both work for oneself and activities under the leadership of the director. You need to choose one or another type of work based on your own interests and character.

The main thing is inclinations

For each type of work, people with certain inclinations are suitable. So, most often people who start their own business are independent, ambitious, self-reliant, in many respects courageous, those who clearly see their future path, and know that working for themselves will bring them satisfaction, reveal their own potential and fulfill their plans. Moreover, they can start as a small business, and become the founders of a huge corporation.

This does not mean that there are no people with the listed qualities in companies under the leadership of the chief. Of course, such employees work great and achieve success in a large corporation, occupying high positions, and, for this, they do not have to become its owners. However, most employees of large and small companies differ in a different nature: these are people for whom stability is important, monthly transfers of albeit small, but constant salaries. Such employees are reluctant to take responsibility for anything. It is much more convenient for them to carry out the duties assigned to them and spend 8-9 hours in the office than to think about the tasks and mission of the company, to implement global plans for its development.

What to choose?

In order to choose the most suitable of these two activities, you need not only to listen well to your character and preferences, but also to try both types of activities. Then you can say more precisely which one you are not suitable for. In addition, it is important to remember that any kind of activity has its negative sides. So, when working for yourself, you will have to take the initial capital somewhere to draw up documents as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, purchase products and equipment, rent premises, pay staff, if any. Owners of their own business are better at managing their personal time and have more funds than ordinary employees. But before a business develops and becomes successful, you will have to go through more than one setback, loss of money, or even bankruptcy. At the same time, the owners of their business are forced to think about their business almost every hour of their lives, worry about it and spend a huge amount of money and nerves, without confidence to achieve the desired result.

But the work for hire is not devoid of negative aspects. Employees are forced to fulfill the dreams of a stranger all their lives, who can earn big money from their work, while the employees themselves are forced to work for a salary and bonuses. The salary of an employee rarely rises, while prices for all types of goods rise almost monthly. Not a single hired job guarantees a person any special stability, since he can be fired at any time, or promotion up the career ladder, since such decisions are made not by the employee, but by the director. You cannot make a lot of money on such a job, as a rule, the salary is always limited, no matter how much a person works for the company.
