The easiest way to find a client is to offer your services to those with whom you have already worked. These customers already know you and are likely to use your services again. However, not all customers return, and the reasons for this can be very different. To return a client, you need to push him to cooperate.

Step 1
Even if the client was completely satisfied with your work, it is possible that soon he will simply forget about you. If you suspect that this is the reason why he does not contact you, remind about yourself. Whenever there are things in your work that might be of interest to him, report it. If you're running a newsletter, add your ex-customer's email to her list. It's best if you do this right after you finish working with it. Ask in advance if it is interesting to him, if he wants to receive news from you.
Work on keeping the newsletter regular and truly informative. Feel free to just call the customer. Ask how his business is progressing in the part to which you are involved, whether he has problems, whether he needs your help. If he needs the help of other specialists to solve problems and you know the right people, be sure to say that you can help. Your task is to periodically remind of yourself.
Step 2
With the passage of time, the services provided by professionals grow in value. This inevitably leads to the fact that some customers become unavailable. To return such customers, you can offer them significant discounts, for example, on a new service, the effectiveness of which you are not fully aware of. In this case, you get the first customers for your new service, and the customer gets a good discount to use it.
If your services or goods remain expensive at a discount, invite your customers to advertise you, let them tell their friends, acquaintances or partners about you. This way you will be able to replenish your client base and provide your former client with an even greater discount.
Step 3
The reason why the client no longer comes to you may be because he is simply not happy with the level of service you have provided. But even in this case, you can return the client. Set aside some time in your schedule to communicate with your ex-client, this can be a phone call or Skype correspondence. Discuss your cooperation, find out what exactly he did not like, what mistakes you made. Perhaps the client, seeing your efforts, will come back and give you a second chance.