How To Pay For Part-time Jobs

How To Pay For Part-time Jobs
How To Pay For Part-time Jobs

Table of contents:


Citizens often work in two jobs, combining positions both in one enterprise and in two organizations. Part-time workers are internal and external, and the size of the salary of such an employee is set by the company in which such an employee works. The terms of remuneration are prescribed in an employment contract with a part-time job.

How to pay for part-time jobs
How to pay for part-time jobs


labor legislation, forms of relevant documents, part-time documents, company documents


Step 1

According to labor law, a part-time worker, external or internal, can work at a second place of work only in his free time from the main job. Moreover, the monthly production rate for the combination should not exceed half of the rate that is established for the position occupied by this employee.

Step 2

When hiring a part-time worker, you make an entry in the work book at the request of this employee. He needs to write an application addressed to the first person of the company, then the director issues an order on the possibility of making an entry on the combination in the work book. But an employment contract must be concluded with both the main employee and with a specialist working part-time.

Step 3

In the contract, write down the rights and obligations of the parties, indicate the surname, name, patronymic of the employee, the address of his place of residence (postal code, region, city, town, street, house, building, apartment number). Enter the name of the position for which the specialist is hired, according to the staffing table of the enterprise.

Step 4

In the employment contract, be sure to write that this work is a combination for the employee. Remuneration for the part-time job must be made in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The amount of wages is determined by the employer and can be proportional to the hours actually worked, depending on the output and in accordance with the conditions specified in the employment contract.

Step 5

Payment, depending on the production rates, is established for those categories of workers who work in production, in proportion to the hours actually worked for those categories whose wages are time-based. The employment contract may determine the salary, the amount of which will be equal to the salary received by the main employees. But, as practice has shown, such conditions do not suit those employees for whom the position held is the main one. Since they call this attitude of the employer discrimination and can file a complaint with the appropriate authorities.
