What Does The Labor And Employment Exchange Do

What Does The Labor And Employment Exchange Do
What Does The Labor And Employment Exchange Do

Finding a job today is a rather troublesome task. Those looking for vacancies have to put in a lot of effort, daily browsing newspapers and message boards on the Internet. To help citizens find employment, the state is developing special programs, a significant part of which is carried out through labor exchanges.

What does the labor and employment exchange do
What does the labor and employment exchange do

What is a labor exchange

The labor exchange in modern society usually means a government agency that mediates between those who are looking for suitable work and employers interested in qualified labor. The labor exchange is part of the system of state regulation of the labor market, which helps citizens with employment and retraining, and also provides social support for the unemployed.

The bodies in charge of employment issues analyze the state of the labor market in all regions of the country and select vacancies for applicants that correspond to their level of professional training.

At present, the situation on the labor market is so complex and diverse that part of the functions of state employment centers are taken over by commercial and public labor exchanges. In such organizations, the applicant can receive data on current vacancies for a reasonable fee, although, of course, no one can give an unequivocal guarantee of employment.

State Employment Centers

The State Employment Service deals with a wider range of issues. It is in charge of problems with the employment of persons temporarily unemployed; retraining of those who wish to change their profession; payment of state benefits to those persons who register as unemployed.

Employment centers also provide vocational guidance and psychological support for citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

The labor exchange has at its disposal banks of current vacancies that are in demand in this region at the moment. To get access to vacancies, a citizen is required to submit a package of necessary documents to the institution and register as an unemployed person. The specialists of the labor exchange will help you choose the right place of work that matches the inclinations, education and level of training of the applicant. The services of the Employment Centers are free of charge.

Employment centers are created on a territorial basis and are available in every region. Any Russian citizen who is faced with a problem of employment has the right to apply for help and support to the institution of the employment service, which is located in the place of his residence. Registration at the labor exchange is possible if you have a passport, work record book and education certificate. Those who previously worked will also need a certificate of average earnings for the last three months.
