In HR administration, not only "classic" characteristics of employees are often in demand, but also their more specific options - presentation to a position. These documents have their own volume and structure, special rules of execution. The information blocks of the presentation are also specific.

Step 1
There are different ideas: to encouragement, to the application of disciplinary sanctions, to dismissal, to conferring a special rank, etc. When starting to write a submission for an appointment to a position, formulate for yourself its main goal: to express the initiative and proposal to transfer the employee to a new job level for him and to justify this decision.
Step 2
Divide the document into two parts. One will be the headline, the other will be the main one. In the first, the details are important: date (number is optional), type (presentation), its name.
Step 3
There is no strict approach to defining the name of a view. Possible, for example, the following options: "Submission of the transfer to the position", "Presentation for the appointment to the position".
Step 4
In the main part of the submission, include the following information about the employee: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, position. You can start the document with a line - an established language stamp: "Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich (data) is submitted for appointment to the position (name)".
Step 5
Next, make a reference to education (what educational institution did you graduate from, when, what profession and specialty you received).
Step 6
Give a description of the production (labor) activities of the employee. For this, use the data of the work book or other documents that confirm the seniority, experience of the candidate for the position. Describe the main reasons for the recommended move up the corporate ladder. If it will be a higher position, indicate the merits of the subordinate, his achievements, successes.
Step 7
Evaluate the results of the employee's work in the previous position as a whole, his role in the implementation of significant projects of the organization and the implementation of special tasks. Indicate the employee's attitude to business, analyze the quality of performance of job duties. Note the professional skills, individual abilities.
Step 8
Fill out the final part of the submission with the following details: the signature of the originator of the document, the conclusion of HR specialists (in the absence of another structural unit of the organization), a mark of the employee's consent to transfer to another position.
Step 9
Take a note: for any organization, personnel changes are always painless, in which the use of the "internal reserve resource" is predictable. That is why more and more often so-called rotation programs are being developed at enterprises - job movements planned for the future "horizontally" and "vertically".