Every taxpayer of the Russian Federation has the right to a deduction from the tax amount if he has children dependent on him. However, for such a deduction to be made, you must apply to the tax office. How to do it?

Step 1
Write the text of the statement. There is no strict wording, but usually such a statement is written in the form of a request. The heading indicates the full name of the authority to which the applicant applies. This can be the accounting department of an enterprise or the manager himself. In the latter case, the heading says: "To the General Director of CJSC …" and so on.
Step 2
Indicate your full name, position, plus, in some cases, the structural unit in which you work, if your organization has a rather complex structure.
Step 3
In the text of the request itself, ask for a standard tax deduction at your place of work (usually it is equal to 1000 rubles) and be sure to indicate the grounds that give you the right to a tax deduction: the presence of children under 18 in the family or children with disabilities. If your child is a full-time student, graduate student, or resident, the tax deduction must be granted until the child turns 24. Without documents confirming your rights, the application will remain invalid.
Step 4
List all the children in the family: last names, first names, patronymics, dates of birth. At the end of the application, put the date, your signature with a transcript.
Step 5
Since both parents have every reason to receive tax deductions for children, you can opt out of the tax deduction in favor of your spouse. In this case, you will not receive it, and a double deduction will be made from your spouse. In this case, it is imperative to indicate in the text of your request on what basis you are asking for a double deduction. This operation is very convenient when one of the spouses has a much higher salary.
Step 6
Submit your application to the accounting department. It will remain in effect until the next tax season, so you will have to prove your eligibility for the tax deduction annually. If you applied for a double deduction, you can opt out from next year.