The income of an individual in Russia is taxed, the amount of which leaves 13% of the salary. But if you purchased a residential property or a land plot for individual housing construction, spent on treatment or education, the state will return you 13% of your spending. This is the so-called tax deduction.

Step 1
To get back the tax on the amount paid for the property, the following documents are required:
- certificate of income (form 2-NDFL);
- contract for the purchase of housing (original, copy);
- any documents that can confirm your expenses for the acquisition of real estate (receipts, certificates, receipts for payment of contributions, etc.);
- a copy of the TIN and three pages of the passport (pages with registration, full name, photo, place and date of issue);
- passbook or account number to which personal income tax will be returned;
- a statement with a request to provide a deduction;
- a complete inventory of the package of documents.
Step 2
If you spent money on training (your own or someone from your relatives), collect the following documents:
- copies and originals of the contract for the provision of educational services, additional agreements, licenses of the educational institution, as well as a certificate of the form of study (full-time, part-time, etc.), receipts for payment;
- certificates on forms 2-NDFL and 3-NDFL;
- copies and originals of the child's birth certificate, as well as documents confirming the relationship, if you pay for the education of one of the relatives;
- a copy of the passport and TIN;
- application for a deduction;
- account number or passbook (where 13% of income will be returned);
- a list of documents that you have collected for tax deduction.
Step 3
If you pay for the treatment, you can also get 13% back. To do this, you will need to provide the following documents to the tax office:
- a certificate of the treatment performed (issued by a medical institution, it must contain information about the license), an agreement for the provision of paid medical services (original and copy), prescription forms (form No. 107 / y, on which there must be a corresponding stamp);
- a copy of the TIN and passport pages, which reflect information about registration, full name, athe and place of birth and the date of issue of the document;
- originals of certificates 2-NDFL and 3-NDFL;
- savings book or account number;
- application for a deduction;
- a complete inventory of the documents submitted to the tax office.
If you have paid for treatment or the purchase of medicines for one of your relatives, you need documents that prove the relationship.