At the legislative level, there are several ways to reduce the tax on simplified taxation. Knowing the tax reduction opportunities is important for any entrepreneur. After all, this allows you to increase his profit.

Calculation of the amount of income and expenses received for the tax period, receipts for payment of insurance premiums for individual entrepreneurs and employees, declarations on the simplified tax system for the past tax periods
Step 1
The tax on the simplified tax system can be reduced by the amount of insurance premiums paid for employees and for individual entrepreneurs in a fixed amount. Among the credited contributions are the amounts paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for pension and medical insurance, as well as to the Social Insurance Fund for insurance in connection with illness, maternity and industrial injuries. You can also take into account paid sick leave and voluntary insurance costs. Such an opportunity is provided for individual entrepreneurs and companies applying the taxation regime "STS-income" with a rate of 6%.
Step 2
To reduce the tax, it is necessary to calculate the amount of income for the reporting period: for a year when paying a single tax according to the simplified tax system and for a quarter when paying advance payments. Expenses under the "simplified taxation system-income" are not taken into account, therefore only the proceeds received to the cashier and to the current account are summed up. Insurance premiums calculated and actually paid in this period are deducted from this amount. The Tax Code provides for a limitation on tax reductions of no more than 50% for companies and individual entrepreneurs with employees. For example, the company's revenue was 4 million rubles. Thus, the single tax of the simplified tax system to be paid amounted to 240 thousand rubles. Paid insurance premiums for employees amounted to 252 thousand rubles. The tax can be reduced only by 50% to 120 thousand rubles.
Step 3
Individual entrepreneurs without employees can reduce the tax on insurance premiums for themselves in a fixed amount. If he has employees, then these deductions are not taken into account. Individual entrepreneurs without hired employees can reduce advance payments and annual tax without restrictions. For example, an individual entrepreneur received an income of 290 thousand rubles in a year. The single tax amounted to 17.4 thousand rubles. (290 * 0.06). Insurance deductions amounted to 20.7 thousand rubles. Accordingly, the simplified tax does not need to be paid, since the insurance premiums are higher than the amount of the calculated tax.
Step 4
Tax is not reduced on “STS-income-expenses” for insurance premiums, but they can be taken into account as part of expenses. The tax rate under this tax regime is higher (15%), but the proceeds received when calculating the taxable base is subject to reduction by the amount of documented and economically justified expenses. Their list is strictly limited in NK. In this case, it is necessary to calculate the total amount of income and deduct from it the amount of expenses for the tax period. The resulting difference must be multiplied by the tax rate of 15%.
Step 5
If the business has been running for more than a year, there may be an overpayment of taxes. In order to find out its size, it is necessary to conduct a reconciliation of taxes, fees, fines and penalties. Based on its results, you will be provided with an appropriate act. When establishing the fact of an overpayment, it is necessary to apply to the tax office with an application for offset against future payments. The main thing is to have time to do this within three years after the overpayment occurs, otherwise this money will be lost. The decision on your application must be reviewed within 10 days. If it is positive, you need to deduct the amount of the overpayment from the amount of the calculated tax.
Step 6
If, at the end of last year, the company or individual entrepreneur paid the minimum tax, they can reduce the amount of income received by the amount by which the minimum tax exceeded the calculated single tax. This is possible only when applying the tax regime “STS-income-expenses”, since other simplified taxpayers do not pay the minimum tax. For example, revenues for the last year amounted to 1.9 million rubles, expenses - 1.8 million rubles. The single tax turned out to be equal to 15 thousand rubles ((1.9-1.8) * 0.15). The company had to pay a minimum tax of 19 thousand rubles (1,900,000 * 0.01), which exceeded a single one. Accordingly, in the current year after determining the accrued tax, it can take into account 4 thousand rubles as expenses. (19000-15000).
Step 7
The tax on "STS-income-expenses" can be reduced by losses incurred in previous years. The reduction algorithm in this case will consist of two steps. The minimum tax paid last year is initially deducted from the tax base (after all, the single tax in this case would be equal to zero). And then you can take it into account as expenses and losses. For example, the company's loss in 2012 was 50 thousand rubles, the minimum tax was 60 thousand rubles, for 2013 the loss was 70 thousand rubles, the minimum tax was 40 thousand rubles. In 2014, revenues amounted to 3 million rubles, expenses - 1.5 million rubles. The taxable base will be calculated as follows: (3,000,000 - 1,500,000 - 50,000 - 60,000 - 70,000 - 40,000) = 1.28 million rubles. Tax payable - 192 thousand rubles The tax savings will amount to 33,000 rubles.